Memory Studies Portal

Found 6111 results
Marie-Helene Brunet.  2018.  How much or how? Canadian women in school stories and in collective, retrospective memoirs of the researches since 1980 HISTORICAL STUDIES IN EDUCATION-CANADA. 30(1):42–53.
Lisa Waller, Kerry McCallum.  2018.  How television moved a nation: media, change and Indigenous rights. Media, Culture & Society. :0163443718754650.
Maurice EF Bloch.  2018.  How we think they think: Anthropological approaches to cognition, memory, and literacy.
José Julián López.  2018.  Humanizing the Citizen. :231–317.
Peter Nientied.  2018.  Hybrid Urban Identity—The Case of Rotterdam. Current Urban Studies. 6(01):152.
Ayelet Kohn.  2018.  Iconic situations: multimodality, witnessing and collective memory. Visual Communication. :1470357218779117.
Katrin Kello.  2018.  Identity and othering in past and present: Representations of the Soviet era in Estonian post-Soviet textbooks. Journal of Social and Political Psychology. 5(2):665–693.
Ilka H. Gleibs, Kristen Hendricks, Tim Kurz.  2018.  Identity Mediators: Leadership and Identity Construction in Campaign Speeches of American Presidential Candidates' Spouses. Political Psychology. 39(4):939–956.
Rex Li.  2018.  Identity Tensions and China-Japan-Korea Relations: Can Peace be Maintained in North East Asia? :47–73.
Stephen Hopkins.  2018.  Ideology and Identity in the Founding Group of the Social Democratic and Labour Party: Evaluating the Life-Writing of a Political Generation. :201–217.
Alfred Margulies.  2018.  Illusionment and disillusionment: foundational illusions and the loss of a world. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association. 66(2):289–303.
Ignacio Brescó de Luna.  2018.  Imagining collective futures in time: Prolepsis and the regimes of historicity. :109–128.
Constance de Saint-Laurent, Sandra Obradović, Kevin R. Carriere.  2018.  Imagining collective futures: Perspectives from social, cultural and political psychology.
Cathy Nicholson, Caroline Howarth.  2018.  Imagining collective identities beyond intergroup conflict. :173–196.
Maria del Mar Delgado, Maria Miranda, Silvia J. Alvarez, Eliezer Gurarie, William F. Fagan, Vincenzo Penteriani, Agustina di Virgilio, Juan Manuel Morales.  2018.  The importance of individual variation in the dynamics of animal collective movements. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B. 373(1746):20170008.
Raimundo Frei.  2018.  “In my home nobody spoke about religion, politics or football”: Communicative silences among generations in Argentina and Chile. Memory Studies. :1750698017754249.
Phillip Michael Jankiewicz.  2018.  In Search of Forms in the Design of an Urban Intervention.
Greg Herman.  2018.  In search of lost memory: Preservation and ruination in the works of Jorge Semprún. Memory Studies. :1750698018761169.
Mirjam Vossen, Baldwin Van Gorp, Lau Schulpen.  2018.  In Search of the Pitiful Victim: A Frame Analysis of Dutch, Flemish and British Newspapers and NGO-Advertisements. Journal of International Development. 30(4):643–660.
Noam Tirosh.  2018.  iNakba, mobile media and society’s memory. Mobile Media & Communication. :2050157918758130.
Ticio Escobar.  2018.  Indigenous Art: The Challenge of the Universal. :83–105.
Ana Martinović, Sonja Ifko.  2018.  Industrial heritage as a catalyst for urban regeneration in post-conflict cities Case study: Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Cities. 74:259–268.
Chern Li Liew, Gillian Oliver, Morgan Watkins.  2018.  Insight from social media use by memory institutions in New Zealand: Participatory vs curatorial culture. Online Information Review. 42(1):93–106.
Robin McCoy Brooks.  2018.  The intergenerational transmission of the catastrophic effects of real world history expressed through the analytic subject. :137–176.
Konstantinos D. Karatzas.  2018.  Interpreting violence: The 1921 Tulsa Race Riot and its legacy. European Journal of American Culture. 37(2):127–140.