Memory Studies Portal

Found 6111 results
Pierre Nora.  1989.  Between Memory and History: Les Lieux de Mémoire. Representations. (26):7-24.
David Cressy.  1989.  Bonfires and Bells: National Memory and the Protestant Calendar in Elizabethan and Stuart England. :271.
C. B Martin, John Heil.  1989.  Cause, Mind, and Reality: Essays Honoring C.B. Martin. Philosophical studies series. :290.
Amos Funkenstein.  1989.  Collective memory and historical consciousness. History and Memory. 1(1):5–26.
Steven Knapp.  1989.  Collective Memory and the Actual Past. Representations. (26):123-149.
Susan Buck-Morss.  1989.  The Dialectics of Seeing: Walter Benjamin and the Arcades Project. Studies in contemporary German social thought. :493.
Raymond D. Fogelson.  1989.  The Ethnohistory of Events and Nonevents. Ethnohistory. 36(2):133-147.
Maureen Cheryn Turim.  1989.  Flashbacks in film: memory & history.
Howard Schuman, Jacqueline Scott.  1989.  Generations and Collective Memories. American Sociological Review. 54(3):359-381.
Elizabeth Tonkin, Malcolm Chapman, Maryon McDonald, Maryon ASA Conference.  1989.  History and Ethnicity. :270.
Thomas Butler, P Burke.  1989.  History of Social Memory. :97-113.
Paul Connerton.  1989.  How societies remember. Themes in the social sciences.
Paul Connerton.  1989.  How Societies Remember. :121.
Richard J Evans.  1989.  In Hitler's Shadow: West German Historians and the Attempt to Escape from the Nazi Past. :196.
Elizabeth Tonkin, Maryon McDonald, A. Collard.  1989.  Investigating Social Memory in a Greek Context.
David Charles Kraemer, David Charles Henry N. Rapaport Memorial Conference.  1989.  The Jewish family: metaphor and memory.
Jacques Derrida, Paul De Man.  1989.  Memoires: For Paul De Man. The Wellek Library lectures at the University of California, Irvine. :263.
Michael Pollak.  1989.  Memória, esquecimento, silêncio. Revista Estudos Historicos. 2(3)
Paul Spillenger.  1989.  Memory and Distance in Dante and Jaufre Rudel. Tenso. 5(1):11-32.
Thomas Butler.  1989.  Memory: History, Culture, and the Mind. Wolfson College lectures. :189.
Marianne Hirsch.  1989.  The Mother/Daughter Plot: Narrative, Psychoanalysis, Feminism. :244.
Iwona Irwin-Zarecka.  1989.  Neutralizing Memory: The Jew in Contemporary Poland. :207.
Lynn Hunt.  1989.  The New Cultural History: Essays. Studies on the history of society and culture. :244.
Gladys Swan.  1989.  Of Memory and Desire: Stories.
Michael Schudson.  1989.  The present in the past versus the past in the present. Communication. 11:105-113.