Memory Studies Portal

Found 6111 results
Anthony Giddens.  1990.  The Consequences of Modernity. :186.
Emiko Ohnuki-Tierney.  1990.  Culture Through Time: Anthropological Approaches. :330.
Dan Diner.  1990.  European Counterimages: Problems of Periodization and Historical Memory. Praxis International. 10(1/2):14-23.
Virginia Yans-McLaughlin, Virginia Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Inc, Virginia Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Virginia New York Council for the Humanities.  1990.  Immigration Reconsidered: History, Sociology, and Politics. :342.
David P Thelen.  1990.  Memory and American History. :156.
Virginia Yans-McLaughlin.  1990.  Metaphors of Self in History.
Sharon Crowley.  1990.  The Methodical Memory: Invention in Current-Traditional Rhetoric. :207.
Gary Saul Morson, Caryl Emerson.  1990.  Mikhail Bakhtin: Creation of a Prosaics. :530.
Homi K Bhabha.  1990.  Nation and Narration. :333.
David Farrell Krell.  1990.  Of Memory, Reminiscence, and Writing: On the Verge. Studies in Continental thought. :340.
Joanne Rappaport.  1990.  The politics of memory: native historical interpretation in the Colombian Andes.
E. Ann Kaplan.  1990.  Psychoanalysis & Cinema. AFI film readers. :249.
Lynn Z. Bloom.  1990.  Reunion and Reinterpretation: Group Biography in Process. Biography. 13(3):222-234.
Peter Baldwin.  1990.  Reworking the Past: Hitler, the Holocaust, and the Historians' Debate. :308.
Eric L Santner.  1990.  Stranded Objects: Mourning, Memory, and Film in Postwar Germany. :200.
Franco Ferrarotti.  1990.  Time, Memory, and Society. Contributions in sociology. :160.
George Lipsitz.  1990.  Time Passages: Collective Memory and American Popular Culture. :306.
I︠U︡. M Lotman.  1990.  Universe of the Mind: A Semiotic Theory of Culture. :288.
Michael Taussig.  1990.  Violence and Resistance in the Americas: The Legacy of Conquest. Journal of Historical Sociology. 3(3):209–224.
Karen Offen.  1990.  Women's Memory, Women's History, Women's Political Action: The French Revolution in Retrospect, 1789-1889-1989. Journal of Women's History. 1(3):211-230.
Earl Ingersoll.  1990.  Writing and Memory in The Mayor of Casterbridge. English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920. 33(3):299-309.
Laurel Richardson.  1990.  Writing Strategies: Reaching Diverse Audiences. 21:112.