Memory Studies Portal

Found 6111 results
Synthia S. Slowikowski.  1991.  Burning Desire: Nostalgia, Ritual, and the Sport-Festival Flame Ceremony. Sociology of Sport Journal. 8(3):239-257.
John E. Bodnar.  1991.  Collective memory and ethnic groups: the case of Swedes, Mennonites, and Norwegians. Occasional papers (Swenson Swedish Immigration Research Center) ; no. 1.
Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi, Sigmund Freud.  1991.  Freud's Moses: Judaism Terminable and Interminable. :159.
Riki van Boeschoten.  1991.  From armatolik to people's rule: investigation into the collective memory of rural Greece, 1750-1949.
P. Burke, Aleida Assmann.  1991.  Geschichte als soziales Gedachtnis. :289-304.
Jay O'Brien, William Roseberry.  1991.  Golden Ages, Dark Ages: Imagining the Past in Anthropology and History. :288.
Robert L. Chibka.  1991.  The Hobby-Horse's Epitaph: Tristram Shandy, Hamlet, and the Vehicles of Memory. Eighteenth-Century Fiction. 3(2):125-152.
Barry Schwartz.  1991.  Iconography and Collective Memory: Lincoln's Image in the American Mind. The Sociological Quarterly. 32(3):301-319.
Susanne Küchler, Walter S Melion, Walter S Program in Art History and Anthropology(Johns Hopkins University).  1991.  Images of Memory: On Remembering and Representation. :265.
Karal Ann Marling, John Wetenhall.  1991.  Iwo Jima: Monuments, Memories, and the American Hero. :300.
Peter Hayes, Dagmar Herzog.  1991.  Lessons and Legacies. :1.
Nicholas Tavuchis.  1991.  Mea Culpa: A Sociology of Apology and Reconciliation. :165.
William Rowe, Vivian Schelling.  1991.  Memory and Modernity: Popular Culture in Latin America. Critical studies in Latin American culture. :243.
Aleida Assmann, Dietrich Harth.  1991.  Mnemosyne: Formen Und Funktionen Der Kulturellen Erinnerung. :399.
Michael G Kammen.  1991.  Mystic Chords of Memory: The Transformation of Tradition in American Culture. :864.
Anthony Paul Kerby.  1991.  Narrative and the Self. Studies in continental thought. :141.
Edward Timms.  1991.  National Memory and the 'austrian Idea' from Metternich to Waldheim. Modern Language Review. 86(4):898-910.
Vera Schwarcz.  1991.  No Solace from Lethe: History, Memory, and Cultural Identity in Twentieth-Century China. Daedalus. 120(2):85-112.
Walter J Ong.  1991.  Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word. :201.
Michael Herzfeld.  1991.  A Place in History: Social and Monumental Time in a Cretan Town. :305.
Harvey J Kaye.  1991.  The Powers of the Past: Reflections on the Crisis and the Promise of History. :202.
Jeremy Howell.  1991.  "A Revolution in Motion": Advertising and the Politics of Nostalgia. Sociology of Sport Journal. 8(3):258-271.