Memory Studies Portal

Found 6111 results
Kenneth J Gergen.  1991.  The Saturated Self: Dilemmas of Identity in Contemporary Life. :295.
Charles Bernstein.  1991.  The Second War and Postmodern Memory. Postmodern Culture. 1(2)
Barry Schwartz.  1991.  Social Change and Collective Memory: The Democratization of George Washington. American Sociological Review. 56(2):221-236.
John J. Skowronski, Charles P. Thompson, Andrew L. Betz, Laura Shannon.  1991.  Social Memory in Everyday Life: Recall of Self-Events and Other-Events. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology. 60(6):831-843.
Eldon E. Snyder.  1991.  Sociology of Nostalgia: Sport Halls of Fame and Museums in America. Sociology of Sport Journal. 8(3):228-238.
Charles M. Judd, James W. Downing, Roger A. Drake, Jon A. Krosnick.  1991.  Some Dynamic Properties of Attitude Structures: Context-Induced Response Facilitation and Polarization. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology. 60(2):193-202.
Shepard Krech III.  1991.  The State of Ethnohistory. Annual Review of Anthropology. 20:345-375.
Eric Davis, Nicolas E Gavrielides, Nicolas E Joint Committee on the Near and Middle East.  1991.  Statecraft in the Middle East: oil, historical memory, and popular culture.
Shoshana Felman, Dori Laub.  1991.  Testimony: Crises of Witnessing in Literature, Psychoanalysis, and History. :294.
David Scott.  1991.  That Event, This Memory: Notes on the Anthropology of African Diasporas in the New World. Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies. 1(3):261-284.
Jim Collins.  1991.  Theorizing Cultural Memory: Totalizing Recall? American Literary History. 3(4):829-840.
Richard A Shweder.  1991.  Thinking Through Cultures: Expeditions in Cultural Psychology. :404.
Donald E. Winters.  1991.  Time Passages: Collective Memory and American Popular Culture. Journal of Popular Culture. 25(2):169-171.
Cathy Caruth.  1991.  Unclaimed Experience: Trauma and the Possibility of History. Yale French Studies. (79):181-192.
Lynette S Unger, Diane M Mcconocha, John A Faier.  1991.  The Use of Nostalgia in Television Advertising: A Content Analysis. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly. 68(3):345-353.
Henry Rousso.  1991.  The Vichy Syndrome: History and Memory in France Since 1944. :384.
Robin Wagner-Pacifici, Barry Schwartz.  1991.  The Vietnam Veterans Memorial: Commemorating a Difficult Past. American Journal of Sociology. 97(2):376-420.
Sherna Berger Gluck, Daphne Patai.  1991.  Women's words: the feminist practice of oral history.
Adam Ashforth.  1991.  The Xhosa Cattle Killing and the Politics of Memory. Sociological Forum. 6(3):581.