Memory Studies Portal

Found 6111 results
Kevin Hannam, Ganna Yankovska.  2018.  Tourism Mobilities, Spectralities, and the Hauntings of Chernobyl. :319–333.
Neil Hughes.  2018.  ‘Tourists go home’: anti-tourism industry protest in Barcelona. Social Movement Studies. :1–7.
Ashma Sharma.  2018.  Tracing the Relational Ethic in the Postcolonial Life Writing of the Indo-Fijian Diaspora. Life Writing. 15(2):273–283.
Robert A. Neimeyer.  2018.  Tragedy and transformation: Meaning reconstruction in the wake of traumatic loss. :121–134.
Yasmin Ibrahim.  2018.  Transacting Memory in the Digital Age: Modernity, Fluidity and Immateriality. Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences. :1–12.
Amanda J. Barnier, Louis Klein, Celia B. Harris.  2018.  Transactive memory in small, intimate groups: More than the sum of their parts. Small Group Research. 49(1):62–97.
Anders Blok, Maria Duclos Lindstrøm, Marie Leth Meilvang, Inge Kryger Pedersen.  2018.  Trans-local professional projects: Re-scaling the linked ecology of expert jurisdictions. Journal of Professions and Organization.
Adele Bardazzi, David W. Ellwood, John Foot, Torunn Haaland, Andrea Hajek, Incoronata Nadia Inserra, Charles L. Leavitt IV, Martin McLaughlin, Sandra Parmegiani, Katia Pizzi.  2018.  Transmissions of Memory: Echoes, Traumas, and Nostalgia in Post–World War II Italian Culture.
Victoria Langland.  2018.  Transnational connections of the global sixties as seen by a historian of Brazil. :15–26.
Barbara Törnquist-Plewa.  2018.  The transnational dynamics of local remembrance: The Jewish past in a former shtetl in Poland. Memory Studies. 11(3):301–314.
Cristian Tileagă.  2018.  Troubled pasts, collective memory, and collective futures. :153–172.
Zackery M. Heern.  2018.  Twelve Infallible Men: The Imams and the Making of Shiʿism By Matthew Pierce. Journal of Islamic Studies.
Earl Hopper.  2018.  The unbearable appeal of totalitarianism and the collective self: an inquiry into the social nature of non-verbal communication. :125–142.
Stefanie Rauch.  2018.  Understanding the Holocaust through Film: Audience Reception between Preconceptions and Media Effects. History and Memory. 30(1):151–188.
Daniel Tarantola.  2018.  Unforgotten Biafra 50 years later. American journal of public health. 108(3):317–318.
Ruth Kevers, Peter Rober, Lucia De Haene.  2018.  Unraveling the Mobilization of Memory in Research With Refugees. Qualitative health research. 28(4):659–672.
Yujie Zhu.  2018.  Uses of the past: negotiating heritage in Xi’an. International Journal of Heritage Studies. 24(2):181–192.
Anneliese A. Singh, Corey W. Johnson.  2018.  Using Collective Memory Work to Create Safer Schools for Queer and Trans Students: A Story of Love, Liberation, and Transformation. :112–126.
Sandra Jovchelovitch, Hana Hawlina.  2018.  Utopias and world-making: Time, transformation and the collective imagination. :129–151.
Anne Rothe.  2018.  Vicarious Victimhood as Post-Holocaust Jewish Identity in Erica Fischer's Auto/Biography Aimee and Jaguar. CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture. 20(1):7.
Alessandro Soriani, Marta Ilardo, Alessandra Falconi.  2018.  Videogames, Violence and Aggressive Behavior: an Educational Proposal. Proceedings of Play2Learn 2018. :11.
Mitchell Hall.  2018.  The Vietnam War.
Beatriz Maldonado.  2018.  Visibility and the Disappeared: Exploring War, Memory and Family during El Salvador’s Civil War.
Jeremy J. Tanner.  2018.  Visual art and historical representation in ancient Greece and China.
Rebecca Müller.  2018.  Visual Culture and Artistic Exchange. A Companion to Medieval Genoa. :293.