Memory Studies Portal

Found 6111 results
Priscilla B. Hayner.  1994.  Fifteen Truth Commissions--1974 to 1994: A Comparative Study. Human Rights Quarterly. 16(4):597-655.
Teresa A. Thomas.  1994.  For Union, Not for Glory: Memory and the Civil War Volunteers of Lancaster, Massachusetts. Civil War History. 40(1):25-47.
Michael André Bernstein.  1994.  Foregone Conclusions: Against Apocalyptic History. Contraversions. :181.
Elizabeth L. Krause.  1994.  Forward vs. Reverse Gear: Politics of Proliferation and Resistance in the Italian Fascist State. Journal of Historical Sociology. 7(3):261–288.
Salah M. Hassan.  1994.  Fragments of Poetic Memory: The Art of Rashid Diab. Nka: Journal of Contemporary African Art. 1(1):19-23.
Iwona Irwin-Zarecka.  1994.  Frames of Remembrance: The Dynamics of Collective Memory. :214.
Jessica Chapin.  1994.  From IRCA to Orca: Apprehending the Other in ‘Your San Antonio Experience’. Journal of Historical Sociology. 7(1):103–112.
Andrea L. Smith.  1994.  Germany's Anti-Foreigner Crisis: State Disunity and Collective ‘Forgetting’. Journal of Historical Sociology. 7(4):393–415.
Geneviève Fabre, Robert G O'Meally.  1994.  History and Memory in African-American Culture. :321.
Arthur Kleinman, Joan Kleinman.  1994.  How Bodies Remember: Social Memory and Bodily Experience of Criticism, Resistance, and Delegitimation following China's Cultural Revolution. New Literary History. 25(3):707.
Gerald Sider.  1994.  Identity as History: Ethnohistory, Ethnogenesis and Ethnocide in the Southeastern United States. Identities. 1(1):109-122.
Timothy Dow Adams.  1994.  Introduction: Life Writing and Light Writing; Autobiography and Photography. MFS Modern Fiction Studies. 40(3):459-492.
Bill Mihalopoulos.  1994.  The making of prostitutes in Japan: The karayuki-san. Social Justice. 21(2):161.
Kate Darian-Smith, Paula Hamilton.  1994.  Memory and History in Twentieth-Century Australia. :255.
Rubie S Watson.  1994.  Memory, History, and Opposition Under State Socialism. School of American Research advanced seminar series. :210.
Amritjit Singh, Joseph T Skerrett, Robert E Hogan.  1994.  Memory, Narrative, and Identity: New Essays in Ethnic American Literatures. :349.
Flora S Kaplan.  1994.  Museums and the Making of "ourselves": The Role of Objects in National Identity. :430.
Roger Friedland, Deirdre Boden.  1994.  NowHere: Space, Time and Modernity. :435.
Laura Otis.  1994.  Organic Memory: History and the Body in the Late Nineteenth & Early Twentieth Centuries. Texts and contexts. :297.
Priscilla Parkhurst Ferguson.  1994.  Paris as Revolution: Writing the Nineteenth-Century City. :261.
Robert Gildea.  1994.  The Past in French History. :418.
John Campbell.  1994.  Past, Space, and Self. Representation and mind. :270.
Patrick J Geary.  1994.  Phantoms of Remembrance: Memory and Oblivion at the End of the First Millennium. :248.
Angelika Bammer.  1994.  Pictures of a Displaced Girlhood. :71-89.
George W Egerton, George W Conference on Political Memoirs.  1994.  Political memoir: essays on the politics of memory.