Memory Studies Portal

Found 6111 results
Eviatar Zerubavel.  1993.  The Fine Line: Making Distinctions in Everyday Life. :205.
André Leroi-Gourhan.  1993.  Gesture and Speech. :431.
Patrick H Hutton.  1993.  History as an Art of Memory. :229.
Richard R. Flores.  1993.  History,‘Los Pastores’, and the Shifting Poetics of Dislocation. Journal of Historical Sociology. 6(2):164–185.
V. Y Mudimbe, Bogumil Jewsiewicki.  1993.  History Making in Africa. :125.
R. G Collingwood, W. J. van der Dussen.  1993.  The Idea of History. :510.
Stephen David Ross.  1993.  Injustice and Restitution: The Ordinance of Time. :305.
Maria Ferretti.  1993.  La Memoria Mutilata: La Russia Ricorda. :491.
A. H. M Kirk-Greene, T. O Ranger, Olufemi Vaughan.  1993.  Legitimacy and the State in Twentieth-Century Africa: Essays in Honour of A.H.M. Kirk-Greene. :284.
Charlotte Linde.  1993.  Life Stories: The Creation of Coherence. :262.
Saul Friedländer.  1993.  Memory, History, and the Extermination of the Jews of Europe. :142.
Andreas Huyssen.  1993.  Monument and Memory in a Postmodern Age. Yale Journal of Criticism. 6:249-261.
Susan M Pearce.  1993.  Museums, Objects, and Collections: A Cultural Study. :296.
Partha Chatterjee.  1993.  The Nation and Its Fragments: Colonial and Postcolonial Histories. Princeton studies in culture/power/history. :282.
Amos Funkenstein.  1993.  Perceptions of Jewish History. :390.
Patricia Cook.  1993.  Philosophical imagination and cultural memory: appropriating historical traditions.
Ana Maria P Cardoso.  1993.  Popular Documentation and Communication Centres in Brazil Popular Documentation and Communication Centres in Brazil Aim to Help Redress the Balance in What Is Still a Very Unequal Society. Information Development. 9(4):215-220.
Eric L. Santner.  1993.  Postwar/Post-Holocaust/Postmodern: Some Reflections on the Discourses of Mourning. :1-31.
Richard Terdiman.  1993.  Present Past: Modernity and the Memory Crisis. :389.
Katherine Nelson.  1993.  The Psychological and Social Origins of Autobiographical Memory. Psychological Science. 4(1):7-14.
Geoffrey H. Hartman.  1993.  Public memory and modern experience.. Yale Journal of Criticism. 6(2):239.
Anne Christine Taylor.  1993.  Remembering to Forget: Identity, Mourning and Memory Among the Jivaro. Man. 28(4):653-678.
Michael Rowlands.  1993.  The role of memory in the transmission of culture. World Archaeology. 25(2):141-151.
Edward Tabor Linenthal.  1993.  Sacred Ground: Americans and Their Battlefields. :259.
Robert King Merton.  1993.  On the Shoulders of Giants: A Shandean Postscript. :319.