Memory Studies Portal

Found 6111 results
Dawn Thompson.  1994.  A politics of memory cognitive strategies of five women writing in Canada..
Stephen Copley, Peter Garside.  1994.  The Politics of the Picturesque: Literature, Landscape, and Aesthetics Since 1770. :304.
Jonathan Boyarin.  1994.  Remapping Memory: The Politics of Timespace. :266.
Dominick LaCapra.  1994.  Representing the Holocaust: History, Theory, Trauma. :230.
Adrian Gregory.  1994.  The Silence of Memory: Armistice Day, 1919-1946. The Legacy of the Great War. :245.
Tamar Katriel.  1994.  Sites of memory: Discourses of the past in Israeli pioneering settlement museums. Quarterly Journal of Speech. 80(1):1-20.
Charles Maier.  1994.  A surfeit of memory? Reflections of history, melancholy and denial History and Memory. 5:136–152.
Joan Sangster.  1994.  Telling our stories: feminist debates and the use of oral history. Women's History Review. 3(1):5-28.
Joyce Oldham Appleby, Lynn Hunt, Margaret C Jacob.  1994.  Telling the Truth About History. :322.
Raphael Samuel.  1994.  Theatres of Memory. :1.
Lorraine Mary York.  1994.  "The Things That Are Seen in the Flashes": Timothy Findley's Inside Memory as Photographic Life Writing. MFS Modern Fiction Studies. 40(3):643-656.
Thomas Maschio.  1994.  To Remember the Faces of the Dead: The Plenitude of Memory in Southwestern New Britain. New directions in anthropological writing. :245.
M. Schechtman.  1994.  The Truth About Memory. Philosophical Psychology. 7:3-18.
Mark Ensalaco.  1994.  Truth Commissions for Chile and El Salvador: A Report and Assessment. Human Rights Quarterly. 16(4):656-675.
Ian Buruma.  1994.  The Wages of Guilt: Memories of War in Germany and Japan. :330.
Selma Leydesdorff.  1994.  We Lived with Dignity: The Jewish Proletariat of Amsterdam, 1900-1940. :278.
Robert Layton.  1994.  Who Needs the Past?: Indigenous Values and Archaeology One world archaeology. :215.