Memory Studies Portal

Found 6111 results
Chris Snodgrass.  1992.  Aesthetic Memory's Cul-de-sac: The Art of Ernest Dowson. English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920. 35(1):26-53.
Yuen Foong Khong.  1992.  Analogies at War: Korea, Munich, Dien Bien Phu, and the Vietnam Decisions of 1965. :286.
Janet Coleman.  1992.  Ancient and Medieval Memories: Studies in the Reconstruction of the Past. :646.
Richard G Hovannisian.  1992.  The Armenian genocide: history, politics, ethics.
Pierre Vidal-Naquet.  1992.  Assassins of Memory: Essays on the Denial of the Holocaust. European perspectives. :205.
Debbora Battaglia.  1992.  the body in the gift: memory and forgetting in Sabarl mortuary exchange. American Ethnologist. 19(1):3-18.
Marjorie Agosín, Alicia d' Amico, Celeste Kostopulos-Cooperman.  1992.  Circles of madness: Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo = Círculos de locura : Madres de la Plaza de Mayo.
Maurice Halbwachs, Lewis A Coser.  1992.  On Collective Memory. The Heritage of sociology. :244.
James E. Young.  1992.  The Counter-Monument: Memory against Itself in Germany Today. Critical Inquiry. 18(2):267-296.
Barbie Zelizer.  1992.  Covering the Body: The Kennedy Assassination, the Media, and the Shaping of Collective Memory. :299.
Jan Assmann.  1992.  Das Kulturelle Gedächtnis: Schrift, Erinnerung Und Politische Identität in Frühen Hochkulturen. C.H. Beck Kulturwissenschaft. :344.
Donald V. Moser.  1992.  Does Memory Affect Judgment? Self-Generated Versus Recall Memory Measures Journal of Personality & Social Psychology. 62(4):555-563.
Lynne Cooke.  1992.  Doubletake: collective memory & current art : Hayward Galley, London, 20 February-20 April 1992.
June Crawford.  1992.  Emotion and Gender: Constructing Meaning from Memory. Gender and psychology. :212.
John L Comaroff, Jean Comaroff.  1992.  Ethnography and the Historical Imagination. Studies in the ethnographic imagination. :337.
Alide Cagidemetrio.  1992.  Fictions of the past Hawthorne & Melville.
Jacques Le Goff.  1992.  History and Memory.
Jacques Le Goff.  1992.  History and Memory. European perspectives. :265.
James L. Hevia.  1992.  History, Theory, and Colonial Power: The Critical Method of Michael Taussig in Shamanism, Colonialism, and The Wild Man. Journal of Historical Sociology. 5(1):104–125.