Memory Studies Portal

Found 6111 results
Becca Levy, Ellen Langer.  1994.  Aging Free From Negative Stereotypes: Successful Memory in China and Among the American Deaf. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology. 66(6):989-997.
Stephen R Fox.  1994.  Big leagues:professional baseball, football, and basketball in national memory.
M. Christine Boyer.  1994.  The City of Collective Memory: Its Historical Imagery and Architectural Entertainments. :560.
Joshua Gamson.  1994.  Claims to Fame: Celebrity in Contemporary America. :256.
Werner Muensterberger.  1994.  Collecting: An Unruly Passion: Psychological Perspectives. :295.
David William Cohen.  1994.  The Combing of History. :264.
John R Gillis.  1994.  Commemorations: the politics of national identity. :290.
John R Gillis.  1994.  Commemorations: The Politics of National Identity. :290.
Mary Hufford.  1994.  Conserving Culture: A New Discourse on Heritage. :264.
Joachim J Savelsberg, Peter Brühl.  1994.  Constructing White-Collar Crime: Rationalities, Communication, Power. Law in social context series. :179.
Yael Zerubavel.  1994.  The Death of Memory and the Memory of Death: Masada and the Holocaust as Historical Metaphors. Representations. (45):72-100.
Robin Erica Wagner-Pacifici.  1994.  Discourse and Destruction: The City of Philadelphia Versus MOVE. :174.
Aleš Debeljak.  1994.  The disintegration of Yugoslavia: Twilight of the idols. International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society. 8(1):147-168.
Angelika Bammer.  1994.  Displacements: Cultural Identities in Question. Theories of contemporary culture. :286.
Roger Ratcliff, Gail McKoon, Michael Tindall.  1994.  Empirical generality of data from recognition memory receiver-operating characteristic functions and implications for the global memory models. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 20(4):763-785.