Memory Studies Portal

Found 6111 results
Aline Sierp.  2017.  1939 versus 1989—A Missed Opportunity to Create a European Lieu de Mémoire? East European Politics & Societies. 31(3):439.
Organization The Conversation.  2017.  African-American GIs of WWII: Fighting for democracy abroad and at home.
[Anonymous].  2017.  Algeria revisited : history, culture and identity /.
[Anonymous].  2017.  Anna Lisa Tota and Trever Hagen (eds), Routledge International Handbook of Memory Studies. European Journal of Communication. 32(1):63-63.
Jill E.1 Twark.  2017.  Approaching History as Cultural Memory Through Humour, Satire, Comics and Graphic Novels. Contemporary European History. 26(1):175-187.
Christopher M. Laico.  2017.  Archiving the Unspeakable: Silence, Memory, and the Photographic Record in Cambodia. Journal of Human Rights. 16(1):117-122.
Andrew J. Nathan.  2017.  Asia and Pacific. (1):175.
Astrid Rasch.  2017.  Autobiography After Empire:Individual and Collective Memory in Dialogue.
Nicholas S. Paliewicz.  2017.  Bent But Not Broken: Remembering Vulnerability and Resiliency at the National September 11 Memorial Museum. Southern Communication Journal. 82(1):1-14.
Daniel Lachapelle Lemire.  2017.  Bittersweet Memories: Narratives of Japanese Canadian Children’s Experiences before the Second World War and the Politics of Redress.
M.( 1) Twyman, B.c.( 2) Keegan, A.( 3) Shaw.  2017.  Black lives matter in Wikipedia: Collaboration and collective memory around online Social movements. :1400-1412.
Soline Laplanche-Servigne.  2017.  A ‘black Parisian’ march in remembrance of slavery: challenging the French collective imagination. African & Black Diaspora. 10(1):25-34.
Kenneth Marvin Hamilton.  2017.  Booker T. Washington in American Memory. The New Black Studies Series. Second edition
Börries Kuzmany.  2017.  Brody : A Galician Border City in the Long Nineteenth Century. Studia Judaeoslavica.
Bróna Nic Giolla Easpaig.  2017.  Capturing collective processes of analysis in participatory research: An example from a memory work investigation into how gender and sexual identities are experienced. International Journal of Social Research Methodology. 20(1):49-61.
Bróna Nic Giolla Easpaig.  2017.  Capturing collective processes of analysis in participatory research: An example from a memory work investigation into how gender and sexual identities are experienced. International Journal of Social Research Methodology. (1):49.
Sílvia1, Correia.  2017.  Celebrating victory on a day of defeat: commemorating the First World War in Portugal, 1918-1933. European Review of History. 24(1):108-130.
Brianne McGonigle Leyh.  2017.  Changing Landscapes in Documentation Efforts: Civil Society Documentation of Serious Human Rights Violations. Utrecht Journal of International and European Law. 33(84)
B. Baumgarten.  2017.  The children of the Carnation Revolution? Connections between Portugal’s anti-austerity movement and the revolutionary period 1974/1975 Social Movement Studies. 16(1):51-63.
[Anonymous].  2017.  Collective mass prayer for terror victims.
A. Gugushvili, P. Kabachnik, A. Kirvalidze.  2017.  Collective memory and reputational politics of national heroes and villains. Nationalities Papers. :1-21.
Lisa-Jo K. van den Scott.  2017.  Collective Memory and Social Restructuring in the Case of Traditional Inuit Shamanism. Symbolic Interaction. 40(1):83-100.
D.w. Mixter.  2017.  Collective Remembering in Archaeology: a Relational Approach to Ancient Maya Memory. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory. :1-42.
Martin Spraggon, Virginia Bodolica.  2017.  Collective tacit knowledge generation through play. Management Decision. 55(1):119-135.