Memory Studies Portal

Found 6111 results
A. Sérandour.  2017.  From natural resource to nation building: Geopolitical analysis of the lithium exploitation project of Uyuni salar, in Bolivia. Annales de Geographie. 2017(713):56-81.
Mai-Linh K.1 Hong.  2017.  “Get Your Asphalt Off My Ancestors!”: Reclaiming Richmond’s African Burial Ground. Law, Culture & the Humanities. 13(1):81-103.
Kazuya Fukuoka.  2017.  Guilt and Remorse. :750.
[Anonymous].  2017.  Handbook of Culture and Memory. Frontiers in Culture and Psychology. :360.
Pedro Limón López, Sergio Claudio González García.  2017.  Heritage, Place, and Neighborhood: Itineraries as Public Space Contention in Ring-Road Districts of Madrid. Research in Urban Sociology. 15:255-285.
[Anonymous].  2017.  History, Memory and Reshaping Identity in Post-Communist Literatures.
Hiro(Sociologist) Saito, Hiro(Sociologist) Hiro Saito.  2017.  The history problem : the politics of war commemoration in East Asia.
Keren Cohen-Louck, Yael Saka.  2017.  Holocaust memory reconstruction among bereaved parents. Death Studies. (2):93.
Organization The Conversation.  2017.  How the 'guerrilla archivists' saved history – and are doing it again under Trump.
Han Kang, Inc Recorded Books.  2017.  Human Acts : A Novel.
Baodong Wu, Shigang Li, Yunquan Zhang, Ningming Nie.  2017.  Hybrid-optimization strategy for the communication of large-scale Kinetic Monte Carlo simulation. Computer Physics Communications. 211:113-123.
B.( 1,2) Wu, S.( 1) Li, Y.( 1) Zhang, N.( 3) Nie.  2017.  Hybrid-optimization strategy for the communication of large-scale Kinetic Monte Carlo simulation. Computer Physics Communications. 211:113-123.
K. McElroy, D. Shipka.  2017.  I Give Civil Rights Four Stars: Analyzing reviews of The Help, The Butler, and Selma. Journalism Practice. 11(1):33-47.
K. McElroy, D. Shipka.  2017.  I Give Civil Rights Four Stars: Analyzing reviews of The Help, The Butler, and Selma. Journalism Practice. 11(1):33-47.
Alyssa K. Prorok.  2017.  The (In)compatibility of Peace and Justice? The International Criminal Court and Civil Conflict Termination International Organization. 71(2):213-243.
Khun Eng Kuah-Pearce, Zhaohui Liu.  2017.  Intangible Cultural Heritage in Contemporary China : The Participation of Local Communities. Routledge Contemporary China Series.
Giorgia1 Alù.  2017.  Interpretations of a Loss: Photography and Life History in Carla Cerati’s La perdita di Diego (1992). Italian Studies. 72(1):106-119.
Christina Kraenzle, Maria Mayr.  2017.  Introduction: The Usable Pasts and Futures of Transnational European Memories. :1–21.
D.w. Mixter, E.r. Henry.  2017.  Introduction to Webs of Memory, Frames of Power: Collective Remembering in the Archaeological Record. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory. :1-9.
Author Judith Weingarten.  2017.  The Invisible City of Zenobia.
Evgenia Ivanova.  2017.  Islam, State and Society in Bulgaria: New Freedoms, Old Attitudes? Journal of Balkan & Near Eastern Studies. 19(1):35-52.
Author Ben Railton.  2017.  January 25, 2017: NASAStudying: Kennedy’s Speech.
Michael Lucken, Karen, Translated By Grimwade.  2017.  The Japanese and the War: Expectation, Perception, and the Shaping of Memory.
Dimitrijević Nenad.  2017.  Liberal autonomy in a troubled context. Filozofija i Društvo, Vol 28, Iss 1, Pp 90-109 (2017). (1):90.
Raimundo Frei.  2017.  The living bond of generations. the narrative construction of post-dictatorial memories in Argentina and Chile.