Memory Studies Portal
Found 6111 results
Visualising the ends of identity: pre-birth and post-death on Instagram. Information, Communication & Society. 21(1):30–45.
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2018. ‘Vomiting with indignation’: memory and abjection in Bernhard Schlink's The Reader. Holocaust Studies. 24(2):183–202.
2018. ‘We love the bands and we want to keep them on the walls’: gig posters as heritage-as-praxis in music venues. Continuum. 32(2):151–161.
2018. We Made History: Citizens of 35 Countries Overestimate Their Nation's Role in World History. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition.
2018. We, Us, Ourselves and Our Others. :5–26.
2018. What if Freud had stopped over in Brussels? 100 Years of the IPA: The Centenary History of the International Psychoanalytical Association 1910-2010: Evolution and Change. :25.
2018. What is History? Reading John 1 as Historical Representation Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus. 16(1):31–51.
2018. What psychology and cognitive neuroscience know about the communicative function of memory. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 41
2018. When the arts inspire businesses: Museums as a heritage redefinition tool of brands. Journal of Business Research. 85:452–458.
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2018. ‘Where the F… is Vuotso?’: heritage of Second World War forced movement and destruction in a Sámi reindeer herding community in Finnish Lapland International Journal of Heritage Studies. 24(4):421–441.
2018. ‘White as Cheese’: A Discussion of ‘Jbene’, the Palestinian Oicotype of ATU 403. Folklore. 129(2):161–180.
2018. Whose Right to Safety? Collective Memory Gaps, insecure Citizens and the racist Repetition Compulsion NEUE RUNDSCHAU. 129(2):65–70.
2018. Why do we remember? The communicative function of episodic memory Behavioral and brain sciences. 41
2018. WHY SHOULDN’TI DO COLLECTIVE MEMORY WORK? Collective Memory Work: A Methodology for Learning With and From Lived Experience.
2018. “Women's Writing on Women's Writing”: Mayy Ziyada's Literary Biographies as Egyptian Feminist History. Women's Writing. 25(2):268–287.
2018. Working through the limits of multidirectional memory: Ottawa’s Memorial to the Victims of Communism and National Holocaust Monument. Citizenship Studies. 22(4):433–451.
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2018. The world according to Herod. postmedieval. 9(1):58–71.
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2018. Yasukuni and Hiroshima in Clash? War and Peace Museums in Contemporary Japan Pacific Focus. 33(1):5–33.
2018. You Must Remember This: Iconic News Photographs and Collective Memory. Journal of Communication. 68(3):453–479.
2018. You, them, us, we, too?… online–offline, individual–collective, forgotten–remembered, harassment–violence European Journal of Women's Studies. 25(2):228–235.