Memory Studies Portal

Found 6111 results
Author Andrew Joseph Pegoda.  2017.  Rethinking the History of Political Parties during the 20th Century in the United States (A Few Thoughts).
Ursula K. Heise, Jon Christensen, Michelle Niemann.  2017.  The Routledge Companion to the Environmental Humanities. Routledge Companions.
Cristina Yanes Cabrera, Juri Meda, A. Viñao.  2017.  School Memories : New Trends in the History of Education.
Gill Plain.  2017.  Scotland and the First World War : Myth, Memory, and the Legacy of Bannockburn. Aperçus: Histories Texts Cultures: a Bucknell Series.
Nicholas McGuinn, Amanda Naylor.  2017.  Shakespeare, Turgenev (and Kalashnikov) in Siberia. :83–97.
Amanda Naylor, Nicholas McGuinn.  2017.  Shakespeare, Turgenev (and Kalashnikov) in Siberia. :67–81.
Kieran Flanagan.  2017.  Sociological Noir : Irruptions and the Darkness of Modernity. Morality, Society and Culture.
Organization  2017.  Staging an Imagined Ireland.
Ulrike1 Zitzlsperger.  2017.  Stories without Borders: The Berlin Wall and the Making of a Global Iconic Event. Times Higher Education. :47-47.
Ignacio Brescó.  2017.  Studying Colonialism in Spanish History Textbooks.
Krzysztof1 Jaskulowski, Adrianna2 Surmiak.  2017.  Teaching history, teaching nationalism: a qualitative study of history teachers in a Polish post-industrial town. Critical Studies in Education. 58(1):36-51.
J.l.( 1,2,4) Tavani, J.( 2) Collange, P.( 3) Rateau, B.r.( 4) Sanitioso, M.-L. Rouquette.  2017.  Tell me what you remember and I will know who you are: The link between collective memory and social categorization. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations. 20(1):91-108.
Jean Louis Tavani, Julie Collange, Patrick Rateau, Michel-Louis Rouquette, Bo Rasyid Sanitioso.  2017.  Tell me what you remember and I will know who you are: The link between collective memory and social categorization. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations. 20(1):91-108.
Karyn Stapleton, John Wilson.  2017.  Telling the story: Meaning making in a community narrative. Journal of Pragmatics. 108:60-80.
Mariana Enriquez.  2017.  Things We Lost in the Fire : Stories. First edition
Mariana Enriquez.  2017.  Things We Lost in the Fire : Stories. First edition
Donna1 Loftus.  2017.  Time, history and the making of the industrial middle class: the story of Samuel Smith. Social History. 42(1):29-51.
Sabine Marschall.  2017.  Tourism and Memories of Home : Migrants, Displaced People, Exiles and Diasporic Communities. Tourism and Cultural Change.
Author Peter Laarman, Organization Religion Dispatches.  2017.  Toward a Richer Ethical Discourse in Trumplandia: A Response to Harper’s “Trump: A Resister’s Guide”.
Denise Low.  2017.  The Turtle's Beating Heart : One Family's Story of Lenape Survival. American Indian Lives.
Tanja Bosch.  2017.  Twitter activism and youth in South Africa: the case of #RhodesMustFall. Information, Communication & Society. 20(2):221-232.
Tanja Bosch.  2017.  Twitter activism and youth in South Africa: the case of #RhodesMustFall. Information, Communication & Society. 20(2):221-232.
Author Diane Marie Amann, Senior editorial team Jaya Ramji-Nogales, Senior editorial team Cecilia M. Bailliet, Senior editorial team Sital Kalantry, Senior editorial team Milena Sterio.  2017.  “Vietnam/War/Memory/Justice: A Conversation with Viet Thanh Nguyen,” Feb. 14 at Georgia Law.
Sylvie Octobre.  2017.  Vincenzo Cicchelli.
Geoffrey White.  2017.  Violent memories/memory violence. Reviews in Anthropology. 46(1):19-34.