Memory Studies Portal

Found 6111 results
Kevin Wolnik, Britta Busse, Jochen Tholen, Carsten Yndigegn, Klaus Levinsen, Kari Saari, Vesa Puuronen.  2017.  The long shadows of the difficult past? How young people in Denmark, Finland and Germany remember WWII
Yifat Gutman.  2017.  Looking backward to the future: Counter-memory as oppositional knowledge-production in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. Current Sociology. 65(1):54-72.
Y. Gutman.  2017.  Looking backward to the future: Counter-memory as oppositional knowledge-production in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. Current Sociology. 65(1):54-72.
Lee,, author. Rodney.  2017.  Looking beyond borderlines : North America's frontier imagination /. Routledge advances in art and visual studies.
Sofya Aptekar.  2017.  Looking Forward, Looking Back: Collective Memory and Neighborhood Identity in Two Urban Parks. Symbolic Interaction. 40(1):101-121.
Ya-Pei Kuo.  2017.  The Making of the New Culture Movement: A Discursive History. Twentieth-Century China. 42(1):52-71.
Göran Bolin.  2017.  Media Generations : Experience, Identity and Mediatised Social Change.
Luis Pascasio.  2017.  Mediated Compassion and the Politics of Displaced Bodies. Eurasian Journal of Social Sciences, Vol 5, Iss 1, Pp 1-10 (2017). (1):1.
Augusto Solórzano-Ariza, Luis Carlos Toro-Tamayo, Juan Camilo Vallejo-Echavarría.  2017.  Memoria fotográfica: la imagen como recuerdo y documento histórico. Revista Interamericana de Bibliotecología, Vol 40, Iss 1, Pp 73-84 (2017). (1):73.
Ferenc Laczó, Joanna Wawrzyniak.  2017.  Memories of 1989 in Europe between Hope, Dismay, and Neglect. East European Politics and Societies. 31(3):431–438.
C. de Saint-Laurent.  2017.  Memory Acts: A Theory for the Study of Collective Memory in Everyday Life. Journal of Constructivist Psychology. :1-15.
J.( 1) Cerdán, M.f.( 2) Labayen.  2017.  Memory and mass graves: Political strategies of independent documentaries. Atalante. 2017(23):187-198.
Pnina Arad.  2017.  Memory, Identity and Aspiration: Early Modern Jewish Maps of the Promised Land. Imago Mundi. 69(1):52-71.
Pnina Arad.  2017.  Memory, Identity and Aspiration: Early Modern Jewish Maps of the Promised Land. Imago Mundi. 69(1):52-71.
Robert Con Davis.  2017.  Mestizos Come Home! : Making and Claiming Mexican American Identity. Chicana & Chicano Visions of the Américas Series.
Mary Beth Tierney-Tello.  2017.  Mining Memory : Reimagining Self and Nation Through Narratives of Childhood in Peru. Bucknell Studies in Latin American Literature and Theory.
Mary Beth Tierney-Tello.  2017.  Mining Memory : Reimagining Self and Nation Through Narratives of Childhood in Peru. Bucknell Studies in Latin American Literature and Theory.
Andrew Denson.  2017.  Monuments to Absence: Cherokee Removal and the Contest over Southern Memory.
Andrew Denson.  2017.  Monuments to Absence : Cherokee Removal and the Contest Over Southern Memory.
Muḥammad, 1965- Iḥsān, Muḥammad, 1965- Mohammed Ihsan.  2017.  Nation Building in Kurdistan : memory, genocide and human rights.
Aline Sierp, Christian Karner.  2017.  National stereotypes in the context of the European crisis. National Identities. 19(1):1–9.
I.p.( 1) Shafir, M.( 2) Montenegro.  2017.  Neither victims, nor heroes, nor repentants: Reflections on the category of “victim” from viewpoint of political activism. Revista de Estudios Sociales. 2017(59):98-109.
Isabel Piper Shafir, Marisela Montenegro.  2017.  Ni víctimas, ni héroes, ni arrepentido/as. Reflexiones en torno a la categoría “víctima” desde el activismo político. Revista de Estudios Sociales, Vol 59, Pp 98-109 (2017). :98.
Linda M. Heywood.  2017.  Njinga of Angola : Africa's Warrior Queen.
Kathrin Natterer.  2017.  Nostalgie als Zukunftsstrategie für Unterhaltungsmedien : Empirische Studien zu persönlicher und historischer Nostalgie in Medien. Research.